Blog, Kids

How to Choose the Right Toy for the Right Age?

Right Toy At The Right Age

Choosing the right toy for a child is significant because a toy is not only a playing element, it is your child’s friend or companion. When you are searching for the right toy for your kid, you should consider their age. Different age groups hold social, physical, mental, and emotional development. Therefore, it’s crucial to focus on their developmental stage. 

When we are living in an electric era, every parent wants to give the right toy for the right age of their children.  Don’t go anywhere because you are in the right place. This blog will guide you how to choose the right toy for your kids at the right age. So, keep on reading till the end point.

Choose Right Toy At The Right Age

Children enjoy the toy when they can master it. In that case, age-appropriate toys are very important. Here are some suggestions that you can check out!

  • Toys 0-6 Months

Infants are always fascinated with motion, sounds, and straightforward colorful visuals. During this stage, they are moving their own bodies, and developing eye-hand coordination that enhances their reaching and grasping skills.

Toys for infants include busy boxes, rattles, soft toys, and anything they can shake, pull toys, squeeze, grasp, or shake. Babies are new to the world. 

  • 6-8 Months

As infants grow older, they gain the ability to grasp smaller toys. At this stage, they learn the cause and effect of the activities and children enjoy doing the activities over and over to enhance their mastery. 

Babies at this age are becoming more interactive. They enjoy toys that can make sounds and have multiple colors. Interestingly, many toys such as soft toys, balls, and Wiggle Woggle are also great choices to make your baby fun and happy. 

  • 8-18 Months

During this stage of development, infants start to anticipate outcomes, set objectives, and purposefully engage in activities to achieve them. They also initiate the exploration of dimensions, forms, and spatial relationships. 

Toys suitable for this age group like to have blocks, Wobble Disk, ring stacking toys, link sorters, and easy disassembly toys. In this age group, babies start to crawl and Play Pen New is designed to ensure your child has a playzone on the floor. 

  • 18-24 Months

At this age, kids are becoming more independent and active. They enjoy toys that allow them to explore and experiment, such as Ride-Ons, Vehicles, and Rockers. Good toy choices also include Pre-school toys that encourage them to learn colors, and shapes. 

Additionally, this age group is just before the toddler age. Therefore, you should take extra attention when you choose the right toy because kids are always curious to look out for everything that surrounds them. In that case, active toys allow them to enjoy the playtime. 

  • 2-4 Years

2-4 years age group is called Toddler. Toddlers are always curious because they are learning and growing at a rapid pace. They are constantly exploring their world and trying to figure out how things work. 

Curiosity is an essential part of child development, and it helps toddlers learn about themselves, their environment, and the people around them. They want to be more involved with an active play like See-Saw, Slides, Basketball or like to play with Sport Toys.  

Final Words

When choosing toys for children, it is also important to consider their safety. Toys should be age-appropriate and well-made, with no small parts that could be a choking hazard. It is also important to supervise children when they are playing with toys. 

Now, you may want to get a reliable online store where you will get non-toxic and durable toys,  OK Play can be your best fit. Ensure your child’s safety and happiness with us.